Saturday, November 19, 2011

Farming Ordinary Jewels Fast

Farming Ordinary Jewels Fast [ source ]

Step 1: Go to Foothills of black mountain
Step 2: Go to Abandoned Welton Hallow on abyss difficulty
Step 3: Walk along the left side of the map till u hit a cave
Step 4: Check the cave weather there is a royal chest
Step 5: If the chest is not there exit and enter again, if the chest is there loot and profit or alternatively, you may want to suicide with the ghouls and just exit at the entrance


-Remove all equipments cause you will be exiting dungeon which causes durability loss
-Alternative way of appearing at entrance is to suicide at the mob pack and press f12 to end the dungeon by returning back to stage entrance
-Set graphics to lowest and off every program running & play in window mode to allow it to load faster


Easy "water hack" burns 2 lbs OVERNIGHT

Well over 160,000 men and women are losing weight with a easy and SECRET "water hack" to burn 2 lbs each night as they sleep.

It is scientific and it works every time.

This is how to do it yourself:

1) Grab a clear glass and fill it with water half glass

2) Now learn this strange hack

and become 2 lbs skinnier in the morning!

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