New PvP Mode:
New "Capture the Flag" mode added. Choose "Ancient Moss Temple" map for this new mode!
- Maximum of 10 players (5v5), 5:30 time, food that can be eaten only by your team if the base is yours.
- First team to reach 200 points wins.
- If both teams did not reach 200 points after timer ends, the team with most points wins.
- If both teams have same points, it will be a draw.
- You will gain X points every X seconds by occupying a base.
- Will enter "Climax Mode" when there's only 1 minute left. (Double the points generated, halved revive time.)
How to play:

White : Neutral Base
Blue : Ally Occupied Base
Red : Enemy Occupied Base
White / Blue : Ally Occupying Base
White / Red : Enemy Occupying Base

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