This Smasher build is basically for those who like a
different kind of game play. If you're not into a little more strategy
than when you were a Force User, then I guess this isn't for you.
Essentially this build is for PVE and haven't yet tried it for PVP. I
only PVP'd once... it's not for everybody I guess. So most of the skills
are suited for soloing abyss maps and some party play. (Although I've
had several party members complain of how much Laser Cutter lags them
The basic technique to surviving as a Smasher is
keeping your distance from mobs, thus the several flinching, push-back
and disabling methods I will be discussing below. For those who want to
try this build, I hope you have as much fun as I do.
- This is my first guide... be nice. LOL
- All skills labeled “Maxed” means that it's on the maximum allowable level for the level cap (which when this guide was made is 50)
- There maybe changes to the skills in the future, this is how the skills are when this guide was made
- Feel free to discuss ^-^

Sorceress Skill Tree
Poison Missile (Lvl 16) (Maxed)
This is a great skill to keep opponents at bay and also deals multiple damage.
At Lvl 12 another missile is added thus increasing the damage potential and the AoE of the skill. This skill has dark attribute and can be boosted by Dark Attack, it also has a high chance to cause Posion status effect which deals continuous dark damage for a fixed period.
In terms of utility for a Smasher this gets 3 thumbs-up. (LOL, I just had to say it >.>) The multiple hit caused by this skill flinches mobs enough that you can channel your other skills before the skill expires. Remember to aim it on the ground at your enemies toes, to get touch damage and DoT ground damage, giving them a nice acidic pedicure in the process LOL.
Force Explosion (Lvl 3)
Decent nuke skill. It has a fixed range, and is not really worth leveling further than Lvl 3 for a Smasher or even a Majesty. I don't even have it in my skill bar. Just get it to Lvl 3 to open the Force User's dark skill branch.
Shockwave (Lvl 2)
Nice caster-centered AoE deals non-elemental magic damage. Don't level this higher than 2, you only need this to open non-elemental magic branch in Force User skill tree, and pushing back mobs.
As a Smasher it's ideal to keep a good distance from your pursuers, thus, you need skills such as this that will help you keep your range. It's much desirable for it's effect rather than it's damage, and you're going to use this a lot.
Meditation (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
This consumes no SP to learn at all. A very useful skill, it reduces MP consumption of your party by 20%.
If you like to spam Arcane as much as I do then you definitely have to spam this one as often as well.
Counter Spell (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
Makes you invincible for a moment while getting up from being knocked down and pushes back mobs around you. Very useful skill if you have the habit of examining the ground. LOL.
Blink (Lvl 5) (Maxed) and Escape (Lvl 5) (Maxed)
Necessary Sorceress skills, max this two skills please. Helps you avoid certain death and is good for helping you position yourself for Linear Ray EX and Laser Cutter.
Gravity Sphere and Force Wave can also be chained to Blink and Escape ( After blinking or escaping: Left click for Gravity Sphere, Right click for Force Wave)
Under Time Acceleration, Escape's cool down is almost non-existent, good for chasing that rock golem if your mirror didn't trap him and avoiding hits to keep your time acceleration skill-spamming uninterrupted, also for covering ground quickly in certain maps like Water-ruined Village where you need to go to the end of the trail really fast.
Aerial Evasion (Lvl4) (Maxed)
Like Escape, it helps you recover your composure after being hit. Jump while being hit to activate this skill and avoid being knocked down.
Physical Mastery (Lvl 5) (Maxed)
Increases Max HP by a certain percentage. HP is always good, and with this build, you have enough points to max this. Adds 7% to Max HP at max level.
Mental Mastery (Lvl 5) (Maxed)
Increases Max MP by a certain percentage. Skills' MP consumption is based on your Base MP. This however, increases your Max MP, so more MP means you're less likely to run out during battle. You will have enough points to max this. Adds 7% to Max MP at max level.
Mental Training (Lvl 3) (Maxed)
This is a great skill because it increases your MP regeneration by a certain percentage. Furthermore, the increase in MP regeneration is based on your Max MP and not your Base MP. Adds 4.2% MP of Max MP every minute, MP is rationed every 2 seconds.
Force User Skill Tree
Gravity Ball (Lvl 1)
Great Super-Armor breaking skill and deals dark attribute damage.
Keep this at Lvl 1 to make Micro Holes and Gravity Sphere available. I guess this is the most controversial entry in this guide... a Lvl 1 Gravity Ball. LOL. But seriously, this is a very useful skill and is good for spamming. It also has high Super-Armor breaking ability, which is why I have it, I kept it at minimum level because I mainly use it for flinching then blinking away.
If you're Gravity Sphere and Shockwave are in cool down, and several mobs are around you, you can always throw a gravity ball at your feet to save your life.
Get it for it's utility, you're a Smasher remember. LOL.
Oh on a side note, despite what skill simulators disallow you to do, getting a Lvl 1 Gravity Ball is enough to get Micro Holes.
Micro Holes (Lvl 11)
If I had more points I would max this. Dark attribute skill, really nice AoE and damage, and can be directed to any planar angle while casting. You can blink away in the middle of casting, also throw in a Gravity Sphere while you're at it, and you have yourself a black ball sandwich. :D
I mainly use this under Time Acceleration when your in a tight corner like when fighting against the boss in Dragon Cultist Manor, and your laser cutter will just dissolve because or all the walls. O.O
Good short to mid-range flinching skill, this practically fills in the range that the non-elemental branch lacks. Also the DoT makes it perfect for Time Acceleration skill-spamming.
Gravity Sphere (Lvl 1)
A great flinching skill, hits up to three times when directed at the ground just beneath your opponent, and has a really good range like an Acrobat's Spiritual Flame.
The reason I don't have Force Wave is because I don't have enough points (LOL) but more importantly because Gravity Sphere can pretty much compensate for not having Force Wave. It takes a little practice to hit with this skill, but aiming it at your feet is almost like a Force Wave already. It's also good for stopping mobs that are charging towards you. (Left click after Blink or Teleport to activate)
Teleport (Lvl 1)
Good for covering ground really fast and escaping your enemies. Force Wave and Gravity Sphere can be chained to this skill. (After teleporting: Left click for Gravity Sphere, Right click for Force Wave)
Slow Area (Lvl 1)
I haven't even tried this skill until I got Linear Ray EX.
This is a very good skill to keep your distance from mobs and slow them down enough while charging your Linear Ray EX, it also works great with Laser Cutter because they bathe longer in the laser when they're slowed down. LOL. This works as a good compliment to your Time Stop, you can alternate these two skills to have enough time for channeling your damaging skills.
Time Stop (Lvl 6) (Maxed)
The best disabling skill you will get. Unlike in a frozen status, time stopped enemies are disabled until the duration of the debuff expires and not until they are hit. Good preparative skill for Spectrum Shower.
Max this for a 10 second duration Time Stop.
Time Interruption (Lvl 2)
Works like Time Stop but is a reactive skill, Left click while being hit to activate.
Get it as a prerequisite to Time Acceleration.
Time Acceleration (Lvl 3) (Maxed)
A timed buff that reduces all your skill cool downs and your party's by 80% except this skill itself.
This practically defines all Force Users I guess.
Max this for a 14 second lag fest.
Time Acceleration Combos:
I basically start off with a Force Mirror, Time Stop then Arcane before I cast Time Acceleration
For bigger areas I use this: Laser Cutter > Nine-Tail Laser > Poison Missile > Slow Area or Gravity Ball
For tight corners: Micro Holes > Nine-Tail Laser (for bigger mobs) or Poison Missile
Non-Elemental Magic Branch
Linear Ray (Lvl 12) (Maxed)
You need to get this to at least Lvl 11 as a prerequisite to Linear Ray EX. I maxed this for more damage.
Shoots a Laser to the front and is good for toasting enemies in a queue.
Force Shield (Lvl 2)
Self-activating buff that increases your defense and attack power for 10 seconds. Activates randomly while being hit.
This is somewhat useful but the trigger probability isn't that high enough to invest points in, just get it to open the next skill in the non-elemental magic branch.
Nine-Tail Laser (Lvl 10) (Maxed)
Shoot 9 lasers which meet at a certain point about 4 meters away. Deals 2 types of damage, contact damage and explode damage. Contact damage does really small damage but is good enough for Super-Armor breaking; this works best on big mobs.
Force Mirror (Lvl 1)
One of the most useful skills in non-elemental magic branch.
Summon a mirror to use as a shield or trap. Decreases surrounding enemies' magical defense by 20% - debuff stacks with other mirrors from party members but not your own. The mirror seems sturdier now than a few patches ago, I haven't seen mine break until the duration expires.
If you're in a party it's best to summon it inside a big monster, or even inside pillars just not in front of party members because it can block some skills. But yeah it happens sometimes, you can't be aware of where everyone is all the time.
Spectrum Shower (Lvl 7) (Maxed)
One of my favorite Force User skills, huge radial AoE centered on the caster. The animation is kind of slow, but the damage makes up for it.
This skill deals 2 types of damage, contact damage and explosive damage. It's wise to use Time Stop before using this skill though, as with other non-elemental magic skills except Eraser, this skill doesn't grant you high Super-Armor while casting.
Eraser (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
The non-elemental magic ultimate skill. High Super-Armor is granted while casting this skill and also has high Super-Armor breaking ability.
All damage taken while casting Eraser is reduced by 75%. (Works great with life prefix on gears) You can also blink away mid-cast.
I recommend using Force Mirror and Arcane before casting this skill for better damage.
Gravity Ball (Lvl 1)
Great Super-Armor breaking skill and deals dark attribute damage.
Keep this at Lvl 1 to make Micro Holes and Gravity Sphere available. I guess this is the most controversial entry in this guide... a Lvl 1 Gravity Ball. LOL. But seriously, this is a very useful skill and is good for spamming. It also has high Super-Armor breaking ability, which is why I have it, I kept it at minimum level because I mainly use it for flinching then blinking away.
If you're Gravity Sphere and Shockwave are in cool down, and several mobs are around you, you can always throw a gravity ball at your feet to save your life.
Get it for it's utility, you're a Smasher remember. LOL.
Oh on a side note, despite what skill simulators disallow you to do, getting a Lvl 1 Gravity Ball is enough to get Micro Holes.
Micro Holes (Lvl 11)
If I had more points I would max this. Dark attribute skill, really nice AoE and damage, and can be directed to any planar angle while casting. You can blink away in the middle of casting, also throw in a Gravity Sphere while you're at it, and you have yourself a black ball sandwich. :D
I mainly use this under Time Acceleration when your in a tight corner like when fighting against the boss in Dragon Cultist Manor, and your laser cutter will just dissolve because or all the walls. O.O
Good short to mid-range flinching skill, this practically fills in the range that the non-elemental branch lacks. Also the DoT makes it perfect for Time Acceleration skill-spamming.
Gravity Sphere (Lvl 1)
A great flinching skill, hits up to three times when directed at the ground just beneath your opponent, and has a really good range like an Acrobat's Spiritual Flame.
The reason I don't have Force Wave is because I don't have enough points (LOL) but more importantly because Gravity Sphere can pretty much compensate for not having Force Wave. It takes a little practice to hit with this skill, but aiming it at your feet is almost like a Force Wave already. It's also good for stopping mobs that are charging towards you. (Left click after Blink or Teleport to activate)
Teleport (Lvl 1)
Good for covering ground really fast and escaping your enemies. Force Wave and Gravity Sphere can be chained to this skill. (After teleporting: Left click for Gravity Sphere, Right click for Force Wave)
Slow Area (Lvl 1)
I haven't even tried this skill until I got Linear Ray EX.
This is a very good skill to keep your distance from mobs and slow them down enough while charging your Linear Ray EX, it also works great with Laser Cutter because they bathe longer in the laser when they're slowed down. LOL. This works as a good compliment to your Time Stop, you can alternate these two skills to have enough time for channeling your damaging skills.
Time Stop (Lvl 6) (Maxed)
The best disabling skill you will get. Unlike in a frozen status, time stopped enemies are disabled until the duration of the debuff expires and not until they are hit. Good preparative skill for Spectrum Shower.
Max this for a 10 second duration Time Stop.
Time Interruption (Lvl 2)
Works like Time Stop but is a reactive skill, Left click while being hit to activate.
Get it as a prerequisite to Time Acceleration.
Time Acceleration (Lvl 3) (Maxed)
A timed buff that reduces all your skill cool downs and your party's by 80% except this skill itself.
This practically defines all Force Users I guess.
Max this for a 14 second lag fest.
Time Acceleration Combos:
I basically start off with a Force Mirror, Time Stop then Arcane before I cast Time Acceleration
For bigger areas I use this: Laser Cutter > Nine-Tail Laser > Poison Missile > Slow Area or Gravity Ball
For tight corners: Micro Holes > Nine-Tail Laser (for bigger mobs) or Poison Missile
Non-Elemental Magic Branch
Linear Ray (Lvl 12) (Maxed)
You need to get this to at least Lvl 11 as a prerequisite to Linear Ray EX. I maxed this for more damage.
Shoots a Laser to the front and is good for toasting enemies in a queue.
Force Shield (Lvl 2)
Self-activating buff that increases your defense and attack power for 10 seconds. Activates randomly while being hit.
This is somewhat useful but the trigger probability isn't that high enough to invest points in, just get it to open the next skill in the non-elemental magic branch.
Nine-Tail Laser (Lvl 10) (Maxed)
Shoot 9 lasers which meet at a certain point about 4 meters away. Deals 2 types of damage, contact damage and explode damage. Contact damage does really small damage but is good enough for Super-Armor breaking; this works best on big mobs.
Force Mirror (Lvl 1)
One of the most useful skills in non-elemental magic branch.
Summon a mirror to use as a shield or trap. Decreases surrounding enemies' magical defense by 20% - debuff stacks with other mirrors from party members but not your own. The mirror seems sturdier now than a few patches ago, I haven't seen mine break until the duration expires.
If you're in a party it's best to summon it inside a big monster, or even inside pillars just not in front of party members because it can block some skills. But yeah it happens sometimes, you can't be aware of where everyone is all the time.
Spectrum Shower (Lvl 7) (Maxed)
One of my favorite Force User skills, huge radial AoE centered on the caster. The animation is kind of slow, but the damage makes up for it.
This skill deals 2 types of damage, contact damage and explosive damage. It's wise to use Time Stop before using this skill though, as with other non-elemental magic skills except Eraser, this skill doesn't grant you high Super-Armor while casting.
Eraser (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
The non-elemental magic ultimate skill. High Super-Armor is granted while casting this skill and also has high Super-Armor breaking ability.
All damage taken while casting Eraser is reduced by 75%. (Works great with life prefix on gears) You can also blink away mid-cast.
I recommend using Force Mirror and Arcane before casting this skill for better damage.
Smasher Skill Tree
Arcane (Lvl 1)
A 10 second buff that adds 100% Magic Attack to the damage calculation of the skills you use during the buff's duration. For example, Laser Cutter's damage calculation is 837%+8890, but when Arcane is active, the damage calculation becomes 937%+8890. The only draw back is - the MP consumption of the skills you use during Arcane is doubled.
Use this skill before casting Eraser and right before skill spamming during Time Acceleration.
Keep this at Lvl1 to gain access to Laser Cutter, also the buff increase when leveling it to 2 is really not worth the points.
Linear Ray EX (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
An upgrade to Linear Ray – it doubles the damage of Linear Ray when fully charged.
When you press the corresponding button for this skill, your character will begin to charge 2 energy orbs. (Somewhat like Elemental Lord's Fireball) The orbs will increase by multiples of 2 during charging until it reaches 6. You can Left click anytime while charging to shoot lasers from the orbs. The number of hits on a single target depends on the number of lasers released 2 hits for 2 lasers (You sometimes get an extra hit), 4 hits for 4 lasers and 6 hits for 6 lasers.
This skill takes a lot of getting used to. You will have to position yourself well and/or disable your opponents to land maximum damage. But yes, that's how it is to be a Smasher. :D
There have been some changes to this that I've noticed, not that anyone else would, but just because no one else really cares. LOL. Before this patch, an uncharged Linear Ray EX deals more than 3 hits on a single target. But anyways, that was yesterday... literally. Don't bother yourself with that.
Laser Cutter (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
Best Smasher skill available. Summon a laser beam from the sky which travels in a straight direction away from the caster.
The laser travels slowly, has a decent AoE and deals about 3 hits per second on a single target.
When casting this skill, make sure you are about 2 meters away from your target, because casting this isn't really that fast and charging mobs will have evaded the laser and will be in your face by the time the laser hits the ground. LOL. (Slow Area and your maxed Time Stop are good supplementary skills for Laser Cutter) Also, you don't get Super-Armor while casting this skill, and is like casting Black Hole – when you're interrupted while casting, the animation will proceed but the skill will have no effect...
Laser Cutter also gets canceled when hitting walls, so better use this is wide open areas or a straight narrow path filled with mobs. LOL.
In spite of all the things it can't do, it's still your best Smasher skill, if you time your sidesteps, Slow Area and Time Stop well, you can do up to 25 hits on a single target with this skill.
Thoughts on Skill Plates:
I will not dictate what plates you should get. But I will list the Skill Plates I currently have, one's which I think compliments this build very well:
1.) Gravity Ball - Damage Plate: I have this for obvious reasons, I have it at Lvl 1, now it can catch up to my other skills in terms of damage.:D (The cool down plate for this one only has 12% cool down reduction, that's just 0.96 seconds less – would've considered it if it was 20%. LOL)
2.) Linear Ray - Damage Plate: Adds 20% more damage to Linear Ray for an A grade plate.
3.) Slow Area – Cool down Plate: Reduces Slow Area's cool down by 20%. This needs no explanations.
4.) Laser Cutter- Damage Plate: Adds 20% more damage to Laser Cutter. I only have the B grade plate for this one which only adds 10% more damage... Please donate an A grade damage plate. LOL.

Arcane (Lvl 1)
A 10 second buff that adds 100% Magic Attack to the damage calculation of the skills you use during the buff's duration. For example, Laser Cutter's damage calculation is 837%+8890, but when Arcane is active, the damage calculation becomes 937%+8890. The only draw back is - the MP consumption of the skills you use during Arcane is doubled.
Use this skill before casting Eraser and right before skill spamming during Time Acceleration.
Keep this at Lvl1 to gain access to Laser Cutter, also the buff increase when leveling it to 2 is really not worth the points.

Linear Ray EX (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
An upgrade to Linear Ray – it doubles the damage of Linear Ray when fully charged.
When you press the corresponding button for this skill, your character will begin to charge 2 energy orbs. (Somewhat like Elemental Lord's Fireball) The orbs will increase by multiples of 2 during charging until it reaches 6. You can Left click anytime while charging to shoot lasers from the orbs. The number of hits on a single target depends on the number of lasers released 2 hits for 2 lasers (You sometimes get an extra hit), 4 hits for 4 lasers and 6 hits for 6 lasers.
This skill takes a lot of getting used to. You will have to position yourself well and/or disable your opponents to land maximum damage. But yes, that's how it is to be a Smasher. :D
There have been some changes to this that I've noticed, not that anyone else would, but just because no one else really cares. LOL. Before this patch, an uncharged Linear Ray EX deals more than 3 hits on a single target. But anyways, that was yesterday... literally. Don't bother yourself with that.

Laser Cutter (Lvl 1) (Maxed)
Best Smasher skill available. Summon a laser beam from the sky which travels in a straight direction away from the caster.
The laser travels slowly, has a decent AoE and deals about 3 hits per second on a single target.
When casting this skill, make sure you are about 2 meters away from your target, because casting this isn't really that fast and charging mobs will have evaded the laser and will be in your face by the time the laser hits the ground. LOL. (Slow Area and your maxed Time Stop are good supplementary skills for Laser Cutter) Also, you don't get Super-Armor while casting this skill, and is like casting Black Hole – when you're interrupted while casting, the animation will proceed but the skill will have no effect...
Laser Cutter also gets canceled when hitting walls, so better use this is wide open areas or a straight narrow path filled with mobs. LOL.
In spite of all the things it can't do, it's still your best Smasher skill, if you time your sidesteps, Slow Area and Time Stop well, you can do up to 25 hits on a single target with this skill.
Thoughts on Skill Plates:
I will not dictate what plates you should get. But I will list the Skill Plates I currently have, one's which I think compliments this build very well:
1.) Gravity Ball - Damage Plate: I have this for obvious reasons, I have it at Lvl 1, now it can catch up to my other skills in terms of damage.:D (The cool down plate for this one only has 12% cool down reduction, that's just 0.96 seconds less – would've considered it if it was 20%. LOL)
2.) Linear Ray - Damage Plate: Adds 20% more damage to Linear Ray for an A grade plate.
3.) Slow Area – Cool down Plate: Reduces Slow Area's cool down by 20%. This needs no explanations.
4.) Laser Cutter- Damage Plate: Adds 20% more damage to Laser Cutter. I only have the B grade plate for this one which only adds 10% more damage... Please donate an A grade damage plate. LOL.
Additional Stuff
Here's my Smasher doing a normal Cerberus run.
Pardon the booboos, I just recorded one video and that's pretty much it. Oh and my Smasher only has 2500-3000 Magic Attack so, yes it's gonna take a while. I snipped off a few things for your convenience but I managed to show in the video the 2 burst triggers for Laser Cutter
Here's my Smasher doing a normal Cerberus run.
Pardon the booboos, I just recorded one video and that's pretty much it. Oh and my Smasher only has 2500-3000 Magic Attack so, yes it's gonna take a while. I snipped off a few things for your convenience but I managed to show in the video the 2 burst triggers for Laser Cutter
Triggering Laser Cutter's burst damage

1.) The Mirror Burst
- This Method is simple, you just hit your Force Mirror with the thin inner core of the Laser.
- Let's say this is the cross section of your laser:
|--crust--|-outer core-|-inner core-|-outer core-|--crust--|
- You simply have to make the inner core hit the mirror and all mobs within the laser's AoE range will get hit with a burst damage. I tend to deal damage between 14k to 38k on a single target.
- After a Mirror Burst your Laser will deal no further damage and begin to disintegrate.
- This Method is simple, you just hit your Force Mirror with the thin inner core of the Laser.
- Let's say this is the cross section of your laser:
|--crust--|-outer core-|-inner core-|-outer core-|--crust--|
- You simply have to make the inner core hit the mirror and all mobs within the laser's AoE range will get hit with a burst damage. I tend to deal damage between 14k to 38k on a single target.
- After a Mirror Burst your Laser will deal no further damage and begin to disintegrate.
2.) The Corner Burst
- This is a lot trickier but still achievable. You have to summon the laser in a corner and aim it so that the crust hits a wall the moment it hits the ground. All surrounding mobs will get hit with a burst damage.
- You have to make sure that the inner and outer core don't hit the wall otherwise your laser will disintegrate before it even hits the ground.
- Unlike a Mirror Burst this method allows your Laser Cutter to deal further damage as long as there are no obstacles in it's central path. Lateral obstructions will not halt your laser as long as only the crust comes in contact with them.
- If you have used Laser Cutter a few times, you'll get a good sense of how to perform this and what shouldn't touch what... LOL.
- This is a lot trickier but still achievable. You have to summon the laser in a corner and aim it so that the crust hits a wall the moment it hits the ground. All surrounding mobs will get hit with a burst damage.
- You have to make sure that the inner and outer core don't hit the wall otherwise your laser will disintegrate before it even hits the ground.
- Unlike a Mirror Burst this method allows your Laser Cutter to deal further damage as long as there are no obstacles in it's central path. Lateral obstructions will not halt your laser as long as only the crust comes in contact with them.
- If you have used Laser Cutter a few times, you'll get a good sense of how to perform this and what shouldn't touch what... LOL.
These are the only methods I've discovered
while using this skill, I hope those who want to be Smashers or are
already Smashers find this guide useful. I'm sure there's a handful of
you out there, even if I've only ever met three others, and 2 of those
are now inactive...
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