Guide's Video:
be placed here soon. This video will demonstrate on HOW to use this
guide. This guide is a bit different than other guides after all (one
whole page of reserves ololol).
Academic is the newest class to come to Dragon Nest and she packs quite a powerful punch! And by punches…I mean bombs and robots. And by that I mean she’s broken.
Academic class is probably the most fun class from my experience. Not only does she have a little of every single class (robots can tank like a paladin, summons, black hole, stun, etc.), her damage and mob control is enormous. She’s a little girl with guns and robots and bombs…what more can you want? Oh, did I mention she’s a little girl?
Academic is not even a glass cannon. She would be if she didn’t have her robots but with them around, she’s basically a Paladin dishing out Elemental Lord damage. She is soon coming to Chinese Dragon Nest and because of my guide (link is in my signature), many NA and SEA players have jumped over Chinese Dragon Nest. I highly recommend you play her and use my guide for reference.
About The Author:
I am Impression, a well-known forum user on Dragon Nest Source. I tend to help out a lot of people when it comes to questions or advice. Many of you know me through my guides and my Youtube videos. Please check out my channel sometime.
I have OCD so whatever guide I want to create, I would like to know everything about that particular subject before doing so. That’s also one of the reasons why you don’t see me posting many guides but the few I do post have gotten pretty popular among members and non-members alike.
I decided to create this guide through the support of my wonderful guild Union. They encouraged me to create this guide and do what I like to do best. Because of them, playing Dragon Nest has become much more enjoyable and I just wanted to give them a tiny shout out here.
About This Guide:
This guide will only enlighten users on the basics of Academic gameplay and skills. Once Academics are nerfed so that actual skill is required, there will be guides created by me that include more detail and more precise information in regards to play-styles, precise gameplay, and technique primarily concentrating on the PvP aspect of Academic gameplay. As of right now, anyone can play an Academic if you have the right build and knowledge and that’s what this guide will bring to you: a working knowledge of how to build an Academic and use her to the most efficient degree.
Academic is the newest class to come to Dragon Nest and she packs quite a powerful punch! And by punches…I mean bombs and robots. And by that I mean she’s broken.
Academic class is probably the most fun class from my experience. Not only does she have a little of every single class (robots can tank like a paladin, summons, black hole, stun, etc.), her damage and mob control is enormous. She’s a little girl with guns and robots and bombs…what more can you want? Oh, did I mention she’s a little girl?
Academic is not even a glass cannon. She would be if she didn’t have her robots but with them around, she’s basically a Paladin dishing out Elemental Lord damage. She is soon coming to Chinese Dragon Nest and because of my guide (link is in my signature), many NA and SEA players have jumped over Chinese Dragon Nest. I highly recommend you play her and use my guide for reference.
About The Author:
I am Impression, a well-known forum user on Dragon Nest Source. I tend to help out a lot of people when it comes to questions or advice. Many of you know me through my guides and my Youtube videos. Please check out my channel sometime.
I have OCD so whatever guide I want to create, I would like to know everything about that particular subject before doing so. That’s also one of the reasons why you don’t see me posting many guides but the few I do post have gotten pretty popular among members and non-members alike.
I decided to create this guide through the support of my wonderful guild Union. They encouraged me to create this guide and do what I like to do best. Because of them, playing Dragon Nest has become much more enjoyable and I just wanted to give them a tiny shout out here.
About This Guide:
This guide will only enlighten users on the basics of Academic gameplay and skills. Once Academics are nerfed so that actual skill is required, there will be guides created by me that include more detail and more precise information in regards to play-styles, precise gameplay, and technique primarily concentrating on the PvP aspect of Academic gameplay. As of right now, anyone can play an Academic if you have the right build and knowledge and that’s what this guide will bring to you: a working knowledge of how to build an Academic and use her to the most efficient degree.
Academic Skills
**Note: These translations are done by me and the skill descriptions are all by me since there is no good translation patch regarding the skills. If you notice something wrong here in translation (which shouldn’t be the case), just drop me a message in this thread. I’ll look into it.**
**Note: These translations are done by me and the skill descriptions are all by me since there is no good translation patch regarding the skills. If you notice something wrong here in translation (which shouldn’t be the case), just drop me a message in this thread. I’ll look into it.**
Active Skills

Recommended level: Up 5 for prerequisite to unlock other skills.
Level 1 - +23 Attack and 62.2% Physical Damage
Level 5 - +67 Attack and 63.6% Physical Damage
Max (Level 17) - +963 Attack and 69.9% Physical Damage

Recommended level: Up 5 for prerequisite to unlock other skills.
Level 1 – Physical Attack +21 and 100.2%
Level 5 – Physical Attack +66 and 102%
Max (Level 17) – Physical Attack +930 and 109.2%

Recommended level: Either max Napalm for the damage or leave at lv3 for Stun Grenade.
Level 1 – Physical Attack +58 and 146.9%
Level 3 – Physical Attack +101 and 148%
Max (Level 16) – Physical Attack +1540 and 159.9%

Recommended level: This one can vary. The stun chance is 70% no matter how high the level so if you are looking for a higher stun chance, then don’t bother to level this skill. Only level it for the extra physical damage.
Level 1 – Physical Damage +220 and 138% and 70% Stun Chance
Max (Level 14) – Physical Damage +4104 and 172.3% (Broken FTW)

Recommended level: Max this definitely if you are going PvE. If you are going PvP, you can either max or leave at lv1 to use it as utility. This skill is too epic to NOT max in my honest opinion.
Level 1 – Shield Durability 340, lasts 15 seconds, absorbs +114 damage, and dishes out 173.6% damage. Also binds the opponent for 2.5 seconds.
Max (Level 14) – Shield durability 8540, lasts 15 seconds, absorbs +2225 damage, and dishes out 202.3% damage. Also binds the opponent for 2.5 seconds.

Recommended level: 0, 1, or Max. I personally never use this skill because of the difficulty in hitting an opponent with it.
Level 1 – Magic Attack 222% and +66.
Max (Level 15) – Magic Attack 242.2% and +1518.

Recommended level: Max definitely. You’d be crazy to not max this. An Engineer has an entire tree dedicated to Alfredo’s attacks. Alfredo is your main tanker so you want him to be around you at all times. Not only that, he also aggros the opponents.

Recommended level: Max this. You can only put 1 point in it anyway but you should get this skill because Alfredo might get stuck somewhere and you want him a different position and this is the skill that’ll allow you to do that.

Recommended level: Get lv1 of this for utility. Increasing the level just lowers the CD by 4 seconds and that SP could be better spent elsewhere. The speed stays the same no matter what the level increase so there’s really no point in maxing this.
Level 1 – Move 300% faster for 5 seconds, Cool Down 20 seconds.
Max (Level 9) – Move 300% faster for 5 seconds, Cool Down 16 seconds.

Recommended level: Get this skill. It costs 0 SP so you have nothing to lose.
Passive Skills
Wrench Smasher: This passive allows you to wield a Wrench as your right click.
Recommended level: You already have it.
Magnifying Glass: Right click on an opponent on the floor and you will shock them with a magnifying glass.
Recommended level: You already have it.
Mega Hammer: Uses your wrench as a hammer and hits the opponent in front of you.
Recommended level: Don’t get it. It’s not worth it since you shouldn’t be getting in front of an opponent in the first place.
Air Bomb: Shoots a bomb directly down while you are in the air.
Recommended level: Get this skill if you are going PvP. Really useful since you can jump up, shoot down a bomb and run away. It’s almost like another evasion skill. If you are going PvE, you don’t necessarily need this skill.
Dodge: Using your hat’s propellers, you dodge the opponent.
Recommended level: Max this. You lower the cool down and that’s essential. For PvP, you want this because dodging can save your life. Even in PvE I recommend it but it’s not essential so if you really want points in other skills, you don’t need to max this. But for PvP, IT IS A MUST MAX.
Night Circle: You get up more quickly by using this skill if you were knocked down. It also damages the opponents near you as well.
Recommended level: Get this skill.
Aerial Evasion: Escape from being juggled.
Max if you are going PvP. It lowers the cool down and that becomes essential end game when you want to escape from infinite combos. As for PvE, 1 point is enough though I’d max it anyway.
Physical Mastery: Increases your hit points.
Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. You don’t need to max this for PvE or ladder since your gear can carry you. Max this if you have leftover points though.
Mental Mastery: Increases your overall Mana.
Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. You don’t need to max this for PvE or ladder since your gear can carry you. However, I max this even in PvE builds if I have left over SP.
Mental Training: Increasing your Mana recovery.
Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. Put points into it if you have extra points if you are a PvE build or play ladder exclusively.
Suggested Builds
Build 1 - Demolition PvE Build
Description: The idea of this build is to max out all your high DPS skills like Ice Pump, Alfredo Whirl, and Atomic Bomb. This build is highly recommended for high DPS PvE’rs. It’s a great solo build and works well with parties too. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
Build 3 - Demolition PvP Build
Description: As you can tell if you compare Demolition PvE to this build, there are some significant changes in the build structure. This time we aren’t solely going for DPS but rather increasing the damage of skills we use the most often. This means Gatling Tower and Cannon Tower should be near maxed since those are probably two of the most frequently used PvP skills of an Academic because of their relatively short cool downs. As for Ping Pong Night, you should max that because that’s an incredible DPS skill with a short cool down. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
Build 4 - Skyline PvP Build
Description: Similar to the Demolition PvP build, you want to max the towers if you can. However, since we don’t really have enough SP for them, we’ll have to resort to maxing only one of them. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.

Recommended level: You already have it.

Recommended level: You already have it.

Recommended level: Don’t get it. It’s not worth it since you shouldn’t be getting in front of an opponent in the first place.

Recommended level: Get this skill if you are going PvP. Really useful since you can jump up, shoot down a bomb and run away. It’s almost like another evasion skill. If you are going PvE, you don’t necessarily need this skill.

Recommended level: Max this. You lower the cool down and that’s essential. For PvP, you want this because dodging can save your life. Even in PvE I recommend it but it’s not essential so if you really want points in other skills, you don’t need to max this. But for PvP, IT IS A MUST MAX.

Recommended level: Get this skill.

Max if you are going PvP. It lowers the cool down and that becomes essential end game when you want to escape from infinite combos. As for PvE, 1 point is enough though I’d max it anyway.

Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. You don’t need to max this for PvE or ladder since your gear can carry you. Max this if you have leftover points though.

Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. You don’t need to max this for PvE or ladder since your gear can carry you. However, I max this even in PvE builds if I have left over SP.

Recommended level: Max for casual PvP. Put points into it if you have extra points if you are a PvE build or play ladder exclusively.
Suggested Builds
Build 1 - Demolition PvE Build
Description: The idea of this build is to max out all your high DPS skills like Ice Pump, Alfredo Whirl, and Atomic Bomb. This build is highly recommended for high DPS PvE’rs. It’s a great solo build and works well with parties too. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
Build 2 - Skyline PvE Build
Description: This build is for high DPS and using the Skyline tree features to its maximum benefit. The ducks provide quite a bit of mob support and in parties, you have probably the best mob control with this build. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
Build 3 - Demolition PvP Build
Description: As you can tell if you compare Demolition PvE to this build, there are some significant changes in the build structure. This time we aren’t solely going for DPS but rather increasing the damage of skills we use the most often. This means Gatling Tower and Cannon Tower should be near maxed since those are probably two of the most frequently used PvP skills of an Academic because of their relatively short cool downs. As for Ping Pong Night, you should max that because that’s an incredible DPS skill with a short cool down. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
Build 4 - Skyline PvP Build
Description: Similar to the Demolition PvP build, you want to max the towers if you can. However, since we don’t really have enough SP for them, we’ll have to resort to maxing only one of them. If you need to spend SP in other places, you might want to decrease Stun Grenade’s level.
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