Mon's Sniper Skill Build
by Mon [ source ]

Skills breakdown:
●Double Shot (二连射):
Maxed this as this is the most used skill of every BM. 4 seconds CD!
Note: Deals considerable damage with +20% damage A crest.
●Piercing Shot (穿刺射击):
Arrow penetrates enemy in a line.
Pros: Good piercing damage, useful when used with Ankle Shot & Charge Shot.
Cons: 'Posing time' make things worse at times.
Note: Max this or Multishot... Or you can leave both at low level and use the SP somewhere else.
●Multi Shot (多段射击):
Pros: Deals good damage against huge targets. Instant cast, makes most enemy in PVP flinch.
Cons: Long CD, short range.
Note: Max this or Piercing Shot... Or you can leave both at low level and use the SP somewhere else.
●Magic Arrow (魔法箭):
Deals magic damage twice at higher level.
Pros: Easily makes your enemy flinch in PVP.
Cons: Arrow travels slow, not as good against ranged enemy.
●Evasion (翻滚,疾闪) & Aerial Escape (浮空调整):
Max these, life saving skills. Self explanatory.
●Eagle Eye (鹰眼):
You won't really need this skill if you have more than 10k crits. Otherwise add a level.
Pros: Double critical means more damage output.
Cons: Low buff duration.
●Max HP, Max MP, MP Regen [Passive]:
I strongly recommend adding at least 1 level of MP regen if you're going for Sniper. I'll explain why when I get to 'Critical Break'. As for Max HP, add as you see fit.
Bow Master
●Charge Shot [EX] (聚能射击):
Going to max this. This skill is near to instant cast when you use -50% animation time A crest with Charge Shot EX. Deals massive damage.
Note: Getting +20% damage crest is okay also if you have the EX.
●Aerial Chain Shot (飞空连射):
Leave this at level 4 as prerequisite. Not much damage.
●Siege Stance (包围):
Leave this at level 3 as prerequisite. Makes you immobile but allow you to shoot critical-penetrating arrows. Good skill for solo-ing.
●Arrow Shower (箭雨风暴):
Got this to level 4 because of the 1% damage difference. Is it huge? I honestly don't know. Need to be at level 3 to learn the ultimate of Physical Tree.
●Extension Arrow (集中射击):
Magic arrow splits into 6 penetrating arrows on hit, deals considerable magic damage. On par with double shot if used skillfully.
Pros: Deals good magic damage on hit.
Cons: Hard to hit agile enemy.
●Guided Arrow (追踪箭):
Almost every non-BM out there called this as an IMBA!' skill just because of the homing arrows. Well, it USED to be IMBA, until it got nerfed again and again. (Not complaining, still a good skill nevertheless!) A MUST ADD skill because it is good for hit and run while solo-ing dungeon / nest. Notably the snake woman in Manticore Nest.
●Bull's Eye (瞄准):
This skill reduces target's RANGED defense. Not going to add since critical damage ignore defenses. It is actually a very good skill, especially for Sea Dragon Nest because the bosses have high critical defense. But... Limited SP.
●Spirit Excellation (精神放逐):
Adds certain % of AGI and INT for 1 minute. Which means more DAMAGE & CRITICAL.
Note: Someone told me that the future 50A Bishop Set may not have that much AGI and INT, so I'm still unsure whether to max this skill or not.
●Sylph's Aid (精确瞄准):
Adds 3M range at lv 5.
Pros: Extremely good for PvP, allows you to snipe enemy from afar.
Cons: Not as useful for PvE. Why? Because you can't really stay too far away from nest bosses. Most nest bosses requires you to stay mid range / extremely close to dodge certain skill. Might as well concentrate on dodging!
So to say, personal preference. Add as you see fit.
●Feint Shot (虚晃一枪) & Triangle Shot (三角箭):
Triangle Shot is the most 'IMBA' skill IMHO! (lol jk) Grants you 1.5 sec of invulnerability on air when used. Since adding more level only adds little damage and not the invulnerability duration, 2 level of Feint Shot as prerequisite and 1 level of 'IMBA' Triangle Shot is enough.
●Stunning Shot (震裂箭):
100% stunning lesser enemies.
Pros: Useful for PvP. (Hard to aim though)
Cons: Totally useless for PvE. (101% won't work on bosses. Do you want to stun a normal mob??)
●Rage Shot (怒气爆射):
Max. Huge damage, fair CD & binds your enemy for 5.6 secs at level 8! Good for both PvE & PvP.
Note: Might want to get reduce cooldown A crest for PvP or +20% damage for PvE.
●Long Bow Mastery (长弓掌握) / Crossbow Mastery (十字弓掌握) [Passive]:
Max the one according to what bow you use. Increased range and damage. Why not?
●Pinpoint Shot (迅矢连射) / Revolutionary Ballista (箭术革命) [Ultimate]:
Get Pinpoint if you're going for Sniper, Ballista for Artillery.
●Critical Break (致命暴击) [Passive]:
I'm really impressed with this skill. The description says there's only 10% chance of triggering (Deals 20% more critical damage), but it procs more than you think.
Note: The reason I said add at least 1 level MP regen is because every time you trigger Critical Break, it will take away 0.4% of your base MP. Your MP will deplete extremely fast unless you have really high MP regen.
●Ambush Point (偷袭点):
Attracts aggro of minions and most bosses for 15 seconds. You can ignore the damage though. Good for solo or team battles. Use Arrow Shower or Pinpoint Shot after casting to ensure your skill won't get interrupted.
NOT accepting criticism, I play the way I like!

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