Kirei's Windwalker Build
by Kirei [ source ]

(The 10 remaining SP is added into Astral Illusion allowing me to go for the Duo-Ultimate Windwalker build)
Hello all, This is my first time posting a guide. As why i posted my Windwalker guide, Because there is only 1 Windwalker guide on the forum. I'm sure some of you made a Windwalker during the (Jump char event) So here goes.
I chose not to go for Spiral Kick EX because I find it really hard to control so here's another EX-LESS skill build for Windwalker. Note: (My current build does well in PVE/PVP)
Archer Skill Tree
Why is my Willow Kick level 6?
I had extra SP's to dump it there; Another reason being i use it alot therefore i would love the damage % increase from level4-6.
Why did i not add Owl’s Insight & Magic arrow?
Basically we do not need the extra crit buff from Owl’s Insight. I'm already an AGILITY class.
And for Magic arrow; it only works well in PVP so i must as well invest the SP in another skill.
Max up Mental Mastery/Training
Because as Acrobats we use alot of skills therefore the mp consumption is heavy.
Why is Cyclone Kick,Spiral Vortex,Double Somersault kick at level 7?
As a DPS-class, i chose to pump up the skills that takes the least cool-down time to deal the most damage. This is why i chose to give my SP's to these 3 skills.
Try to max Chain-trampoline, Tip-tops. Why?
Acrobats are fast and very hard to hit! Thanks to these two skills. Nuff said!
Spiral edge + Astral Illusion (Duo-Ultimate and why?)
Spiral edge does an amazing damage on mobs and i use it frequently when there's a cluster of mobs (Im dealing about 140k on lv40 mobs)
Astral Illusion is being used on large bosses! Right! I said large bosses! This is because they are stationery and all your hits from this sexy skill will hit. It deals about 2.7k% damage o.o?!
If you notice Astral Illusion's cd is approx 125secs whereas Spiral Edge's cd is about 90sec. When both share the cooldown, it shares the lowest one which is 90secs. So you can either use one of the ultimate at the lowest cd time(90secs). This is why i chose to go for duo-ultimate :)
Wind Walker Skill Tree
Nothing much to talk about it, i went for Showtime + Rising Storm. I gave up Spiral Kick EX for Duo-Ultimate :P
Showtime is one of the best skills for Windwalker, It allows you to fly for approx 10secs. And yes i really mean flyyyyyy.
Rising Storm is best used with Spiral Edge for a wonderful huge damage combo.
Heraldy Skill Crests
Spiral Vortex animation speed 50%
Double Somersault kick damage increase 20%
Chain trampoline cooldown 20%
Cyclone kick damage increase 20%
Note: This are the skills which i maxed like i said above. This is why im using these crests.
Heraldy Enhancement Crests
Life(HP) - Healthy(VIT) - Wind(AGI) - Destructive(ATK) - Fatal(CRIT) - *Vigor(MPRECOVERY) - *Barrage(MDEF) - *Impregnable(DEF)
Try to get 3-tier crests with HP/AGI/ATK on 3rd option for the crests marked with * as of above.
Item Prefix:
Full Wind set except for gloves(Impregnable)
Both Destruction Rings with highest physical attack at your level cap.
Both with most AGI with VIT as 2nd option at your level cap.
Armours/Weapons/Rings/Necklace/Earring Potential:
Armours - AGI / VIT / HP (Best) if not settle for AGI + HP will do
Weapon - ATK / AGI / CRIT (Best) if not settle for ATK + AGI will do
Rings - ATK / AGI / CRIT (Best) if not settle for ATK + AGI will do
Necklace+Earring - AGI / VIT / HP (Best) if not settle for AGI + HP will do
My current stats without item prefix, If im done with Wind prefix set. I'll probably have 82k HP and go for SeaDragonNest (Y)

Thanks for reading as this is my first time writing a guide, Feel free to give your opinions on my current skill build. I'll upload a video of me doing cerebus/manticore/apo nest soon. Hopefully this guide can be a reference to you Windwalkers-to be.
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