[FAQ] Are you ready for 40 cap?
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Greetings all,
I've received the most votes on my facebook page for releasing a guide to tell you what you need to know/do in order to be ready for 40 cap release. So here it is!
This thread will serve to share with you some of the reasons why I think so as well.
We are only around 6 days away from 40 cap release so you still have quite abit of time to get ready for it.
I'll first share a screenshot of what I've been preparing so far so you get the pictorial idea when I write the guide in words later on.

woah woah woah alot of stuff there right?
Don't worry I also share how I get them instead of just telling you what to get but don't tell you how

Let's start off now shall we.
(Rare) Intermediate Crystal and Revert Codes
If you're going for Lvl40 rare weapons for starters when the lvl40 cap is released (I'll be), then this 2 items is definitely a MUST STOCK UP before the cap release
For critical build SM's like myself you might want to stock up at least 60 Rare Crystals/Revert Cubes (I've 50 crystal and 60 reverts ATM)
This is in mind that we use an average of 25 reverts or more to get the 3 line potentials we require for our builds.
For any other classes going for similar builds, this is a must have because prices of intermediate crystal and revert codes (Rare) will definitely soar when the cap is released, because there will be many unprepared ones
Similarly, if you wish to earn some quick cash from those who go into Lvl40 Rare Weapons, stock up so that you can sell them at decent prices.
Current Prices : As low as 10g each (Average 12-13g)
Predicted Prices at 40 Cap : Back to 17g and above like when 32 cap is first realzed
Method to Stock up on Intermediate Reverts (Rare) : Run DOK or Dried Marissa Spring (Basically the shortest Abyss Dungeon in SH and open the bunny at the end)
Method to Stock up on Intermediate Crystals (Rare) : Do Wonderful Theme Park Boss Rush/Warrior Goblin/ + Others, exchange 10 Coupons for 1 Crystal Code
For the Intermediate Crystal Codes, the wonderful Theme Park Method is free, however if you feel that you can simply earn more than 10-12g in the time spent there, feel free to farm gold then buy straight from TH, while it's cheap ;D
Focus of item acquired : More for personal use than for gold as prices at lvl40 cap are still undetermined
Ordinary Jewels
This is the main question that everyone wants answered:
Will Ordinary Jewel prices skyrocket with the release of Lvl40 cap?
A: Yes & No, but no probably
but why?
- Ordinary Jewel Drop rates will increase in new Lvl32-40 Dungeons (Basically lvl32 cap is like the lvl 16 cap we had where the dungeons drop minimal rough agates when ran at abyss, so lvl 40cap dungeons are like the Lvl24 cap we had, probably a sanctuary core like dungeon will exist)
- If prices of ordinary jewels went up, more people will go back to AWH Royal Chest, so the prices will go down again ;D
Just stock up around 10 stacks of Ordinary Agate PLUS the jewel you need for your own class
The first week of lvl40 release won't see a sharp rise in ordinary jewel prices (Except for some panic buyers) but towards the 2nd week most probably you will because more people will be able to run manticore nest hence the availability of epic armors/weapons which meant people will actually start using ordinary jewels.
Stock up around 10 stacks of ordinary agate because during the 1st & 2nd Week of 40 cap release, many people will be going for Lvl40 Rare weapons and thus the demand for ordinary agates will increase sharply. Stock up at least 10 stacks so that you won't be caught in the middle of a short-term price crisis!
Current Prices of Ordinary Agate : 2.3-2.5g (Greenwood server)
Expected Prices of Ordinary Agate : 3-3.5g or more (Especially during the 1st/2nd Week of 40 cap release)
Methods to stock up Ordinary Agates : Just farm gold and buy the cheapest ones now OR Run DMS or F-DOA.
Methods to stock up Jewels : Good old Abandoned Welton Hallow Royal Chest Runs
Focus of item: Once again personal use rather than for gold gain.
Epic Intermediate Codes
Well well this is the one where you better start now or you might be too late due to the drop rates.
The epic intermediate code that will DEFINITELY RISE IN PRICE is Epic Intermediate Diamond Code
For myself I've stocked up around 23 Intermediate Diamond codes and around 10+ each crystal/agate bravery code for my own use when 40 cap is released
Stocking up on these intermediate epic codes are very very important if you're going for manticore/apoc set in 40 cap. The prices of these will definitely increase by alot especially from the 2nd week of 40 cap release (X'mas Week)
Start stocking up now so you wouldn't have to pay overpriced codes to code your epic weapons/armors.
Also for those who are thinking about getting critical rings, intermediate diamond codes can be used on lvl 40 and below accessories, so save your diamond codes for the latest version of rings that will be out in 40 cap.
What do I do with codes that I can't use for myself? Seal Stamp prices are crazy!
Well save those epic agate codes that you don't need, and then dissemble them for 30g each to be used as reverts while coding your weapons/accessories!
Also why will intermediate diamond codes prices increase?
Well for a simple reason : everyone will be changing into violet and above accessories and yes, they need intermediate diamond codes to get coded (Unlike 32 cap where some still used low grade diamond) This is 100% for sure on necklace and earrings because the stats difference in the higher level accessories are huge!. Just imagine everyone changing into the new < lvl 40 accessories, the demand for intermediate diamond codes will simply go way out of hand.
Current Prices of Intermediate Diamond Codes : 135g-140g Each
Predicted Prices as of 40 Cap : 160g and above (I'm guessing 180g)
Methods to stock up on Intermediate Epic Codes : Royal Chest Runs at AWH / Abyss Dungeons Runs (DMS/DOK/F-DOA)
Personally almost all my 23 intermediate diamond codes came from AWH runs, because I'm very busy with replying emails, making new videos/guides, I stick to grindy/boring but simple AWH RC Runs so that I can do something for myself while doing something for you people
Comet Dusts
Okay this is a very very touchy topic simply for this reason:
We don't know for sure if Lvl40 Spiral/Vortex Pouches will be released in 40 cap.
The chances are probably high that they will be implemented/released so we still don't want to be caught off guard
For those who didn't go for epics in 32 cap because there weren't any spiral/vortex pouches here's your chance now!
Still don't know what's comet dust or spiral/vortex pouch?
Watch my video guide on them! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vev7OkwS81w
Visit my blog regarding it for a full explanation + analysis here : http://kazudragonhaven.tumblr.com/cometdustguide
If you're going for comet dust here's the numbers of what you need for the respective pouches
Credits to dnarmory.com
Lvl 40 RARE Spiral Pouch (+7-10) - 160 Comet Dust
Lvl 40 RARE Vortex Pouch (+7-10) - 370 Comet dust
Lvl 40 EPIC Spiral Pouch (+7-10) - 975 Comet Dust
Lvl 40 EPIC Vortex Pouch (+7-10) - 2000 Comet Dust
So what am I dissembling now?
Seeing that the ordinary jewel prices have dropped even as low as 2g each (Ordinary Obsidian on greenwood is 2g each),
I'm dissembling +5 Lvl32 Epics Main Weapons which gives me 80 dust per ; Don't try +6 it gives you 1 sun dust.
The reason why I don't dissemble Lvl24 Rare/Epic +6 is because rough jewel prices are higher sometimes and also getting to +6 has a much higher chance of degrading/failure when enhancing which meant more cost.
Enhancing to +5 is usually smooth and for Lvl32 Epics, it uses only 7 Ordinary Jewels if you have zero fails. Meaning 1 Stack of ordinary jewel can net you 160 comet dust on average!
On my server, comet dusts are selling for 30-33s each, and 160 comet dust will be around 54g. 1 Stack of ordinary agate is only 40g hence you're saving yourself around 10g (cost of the 32 epic weapon is around 1g or lower if you buy the right ones, and enhancing epics cost quite abit, around 50-90s per enhance)
I don't recommend going all crazy for comet dust now.
At Lvl40 cap, Lvl40 +6 Rare weapons will net you 140 Comet Dust (This value is an assumption because LVl24 Rare +6 gave 35 and Lvl32 Rare +6 gave 70 hence I deduced that Lvl40 Rare +6 will give 140 since it's a 2x Multiplier each time the level cap increases), and they still use only Ordinary Agates. So if you're into the comet dust business better stock up on some ordinary agates so that you can get easy comet dust when the cap is out!
Current prices of Comet Dust : 33-35silvers
Predicted Prices of Comet Dust : Maintained because knowledge of comet dust is still very low on the general playerbase hence not everyone will directly buy comet dust.
How much to stock up : At least 10000 Comet Dust before the cap release for personal use
Fragment of Subtle Skills

Remember how useless you felt these things were in 32 cap because the prices of violet accessories are crazy?
Better start stocking them now because the prices of violet rings will DEFINITELY drop in 40 cap release since manticore/apoc nest will now drop these often now.
Lvl40 caps is going to stay for a long long time, and thus giving us alot of time for specialization and customization
Those +1 to the skills you can get will make alot of difference! Especially if you PvP!
Just stock up enough for 2 or more rings, or simply run chaos opening yourself when you're free (I've only ran it once EVER since 32 cap because violet ring prices are just -.-)
Prices of these things now are 2g each I just wiped the Trading House ;x
Predicted Prices ? Well I don't think it will go up very high but the lazy rich players will definitely buy it off trading house, so if you want to earn some cash, stock up then re-sell them when the prices go up, won't be too much though.
Did I miss out anything?
Feel free to let the rest know what you feel should be stocked up in preparation of 40 CAP Release.
Stock up on intermediate epic codes (Especially diamond) ; Make sure there are enough jewels/items for your own personal use at least when the cap is released.
If you feel that this guide has helped you, please help me out as well ;D
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