I didn't bother maxing Charge Volt since at lvl15 it does enough damage
especially when it crits, also considering am Hybrid, I didn't max Relic
of Heal since it gives out sufficient amount of heals and Holy Bust at
lvl2 because that extra pinch in an aoe move really helps, as for
Counter Blow I normally just roll back or to the sides to avoid attacks
Gear and Stats

I am still working on getting Full Bishop Set to start on Final Damage Build and as for my crit % I think it still does what it does in PVE
Herarldy Stats

I bought these plates when they were cheap and fairly easy to find so I probably won't be replacing these anytime soon unless I get lucky

I would say my main damage is Charge Volt and Relic of Light
and CD for Both Relic of Heal and Heal are very sufficient
Note: This build works for me so don't assume that it'll work for you too and this is not my final build considering we will be getting 10 more sp points
- forum.mmosite.com/../Megidos_Hybird_Saint_Build_for_PVE_and_PVP_Protection_and_Guildwar
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