his is an in-depth guide and research on Majesty and Force User skills.
Hope it will help players to build a good force user / majesty.
Before proceeding further, it is important to clarify some important concept in damage calculation.
First, how is skill damage calculated in game?
Here i will only show the formula for crit damage because crit damage
ignores defence of the target. Therefore, crit damage will be exactly
the same regardless of the target you hit, assuming that all targets
have the same elemental resist/weakness and at same level (the effect of
final damage has to be taken into account if level gap exists).
The formula for skill damage is defined as follows:
Skill Damage = 1.25 * Skill Coeff * (%Amp * M.att + Add. Dmg) * (1+%
Elemental Att)* (1- % Elemental Resist) * (% Aditional damage)
I will explain the formula term by term:
1.25 : 1.25 is the crit damage multiplier applied if crit happen.
Skill Coefficient: Will be explain subsequently.
%Amp: % of skill amplification in the skill description.
M.att: Your magic attack in stats window.
Add. Damage: Additional damage in the skill description.
% Elemental Att: Elemental Att % in your skill window.
% Elemental Resist: Elemental Resist % of the target. Positive number for resist, negative number for weakness.
% Additional Damage: Any additional damage due to other buff/debuff/skill plate/final damage etc.
Skill Coefficient
Skill coefficient is a hidden factor for a certain skill. It is the number that relates the so-called "board damage" which is the damage quoted in the skill description, to the ACTUAL TOTAL DAMAGE generated when you hit your target.
The skill coefficients for most force user/majesty skills are normally
1, some of the exception are highlighted in the table below.
After the total skill damage is calculated, each hit figure will be
determined based on the skill nature. The following table describes how
each hit is calculated and being displayed as IN-GAME DAMAGE FIGURES.

Skill Ranking
After understanding the damage calculation, now it's time to ranked all the skills we have.
There are many ways to rank the skills. Normally, we would like to know how fast we can deal damage to a certain target in game, or in other words, we are interested to know what is the DPS (damage per second) for a certain skill.
There are two major ways to define DPS.
First way, we can define it by taking the total damage divided by the cooldown (CD) of the skill.
DPS = Damage / Cooldown
This definition of DPS basically tells you how much damage you can do per second over the cooldown period if you cast that skill IMMMEDIATELY after it is cooldown.
In other words, you are spreading the total damage over the whole cooldown period. This definition is suitable to quantify the damage you can deal over a longer duration of time (e.g. over the whole dungeon).
A second way to define it, is by taking the total damage divided by the casting time of the skills.
DPS = Damage / Casting Time
This definition of DPS tells you how much damage you can do per second during the casting time of that skill. In other words, you are spreading the total damage over the casting time. This definition is suitable to quantify the burst of damage in a short amount of time and assuming that the cooldown is neglible (e.g. under time acceleration).
Both definitions have their own implications and meanings. Both are well-accepted by players in this game. However, you will find that Damage/Cd is more commonly cited as it can be easily determined because the cooldown is clearly written in the skill description.
Finding the casting time requires some extra work; however, i have done it with some video analysis softwares based on videos taken in game.
The DPS rankings are as follows (Dark attribute skills are highlighted in orange):
Damage / Cooldown Ranking:

Damage/ Casting Time Ranking:

Important Note:
1. The damage figures are calculated based on 3745 Max Magic Att, 42.91% Dark elemental, 5% Additional Damage (due to final damage).
2. The ranking will varies depending on your own stats.
3. The ranking is based on the skills at max lvl with lvl50 cap.
You can check the ranking for various stats with the excel spreadsheet that i have uploaded HERE
There are other useful ways to rank the skills too in terms of SP economy.
For example, you can rank the skill according Damage/CD/SP or Damage/Casting Time/SP, which has very clear meaning. Those 2 indicators directly tell you how much DPS you get per SP invested. Obviously, you should be investing SP on those skills which give high DPS/SP. The ranking for those 2 indicators are not presented here because they can be easily calculated with the spreadsheet i provide.
I would like to introduce an indicator which encompass both aspects: Casting time and Cooldown. The absolute value of the indicator is actually meaningless, but the relative magnitude of this indicator provides us with a bearing if a certain skill is worth maxing out as compared to other skills.
DPS/SP = Damage/SP/SQRT(Casting Time * Cooldown)
The last term, SQRT(Casting Time * Cooldown) is the geometric mean for the casting time and cooldown.
DPS/SP Ranking

- forum.mmosite.com/../Research_and_Details_on_MajestyForce_User_Skill-4ded185ed5af3ca13-1.html
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