Energy Reflection Mirror (or in short, mirror) is an extremely useful
skills and can be used in various ways. I hope this small guide will
help other force user to use mirror in various nest/ dungeons.
Functions of Mirror:
1) Damage Booster
The mirror will increase the magical damage dealt to surrounding targets by 20% at lv1, last for 12sec. The AOE of mirror is very large.
*How to know if the mobs / boss are affected by the mirror?
You will notice after you cast the mirror, the target will have some small little shield dropping from the body. So far, nothing in dragon nest is immune to this debuff. You should consider spamming the mirror in a 4 or 8 man party if there are others magical damage user, such as priest, elemental lord and other force users in your party because your party members will deal higher damage and benefit from the debuff too.
Functions of Mirror:
1) Damage Booster
The mirror will increase the magical damage dealt to surrounding targets by 20% at lv1, last for 12sec. The AOE of mirror is very large.
*How to know if the mobs / boss are affected by the mirror?
You will notice after you cast the mirror, the target will have some small little shield dropping from the body. So far, nothing in dragon nest is immune to this debuff. You should consider spamming the mirror in a 4 or 8 man party if there are others magical damage user, such as priest, elemental lord and other force users in your party because your party members will deal higher damage and benefit from the debuff too.

*Does the effect stack if i cast more than 1 mirror?
The effect of the mirror cast by the same force user does not stack even if you cast more than one during time acceleration. However, if the effect of the mirror cast by different force users does stack. In other words, if there are two force user casting mirror in the party, the magical damage dealt can be boosted by 40% in total.
*Where should i cast the mirror at?
As you might notice, the mirror has a flaw: it will block some projectiles / skills from your party member as well. Some examples are, bow master physical lv40 ultimate and guided arrows and Fireball (EX) of elemental lord. So if placed wrongly, not only does the mirror not boosting the overall damage output, it will actually lower the damage output of the party.
However, this is indeed a very challenging task, because your target/boss/mobs is normally mobile and moving, so does your party members. How do you ensure that the mirror doesn't block their attack?
A simple way to do it is, cast the mirror near the wall or inside the wall. Normally that's the safest spot to put up a mirror without affect the skills or movement of other party members. Note that the AOE of the mirror is very large, so it doesn't have to be even close to the target.

If lets say you are fighting against BIG bosses, such as cerberus, manticore or apocalypse, you can even consider casting the mirror INSIDE of the BOSS itself. (see picture below)

NOTE: DO NOT cast the mirror when apocalypse is stay near the edge of the wall during his HP bar x 4 and x3. Apocalypse will cast the 360 degree laser beam during that phase. The use of mirror to block apocalypse from moving out from the edge is a bad idea, because some classes need to move around the body to avoid the beam, though force user can teleport across it.
2) Boss Blocker
One of the unique ways to use mirror is as a boss blocker. The mirror is indestructible (the relic of lighting for priest can be destroyed btw), it cannot be destroyed in anyway before the duration is up (12sec) and monster / boss cannot pass through the mirror no matter what. This unique features give the mirror a niche role in various boss fight in nest. I will list some important examples where mirror can be used as such.
Manticore Nest (normal/hellmode):
* Medusa Stage: If you are the main dps in the party, and the aggro in on you (meaning the snake is chasing you around the stage like crazy), first distant yourself from the snake by blinking /teleporting. After you are at a safe distance away, erect the mirror in front of you. And see the snake trying to move to you but get blocked by the mirror. You can stop running and deal damage safely along with other party members. Just try not to stand too near the mirror to avoid being hit by medusa's tail swipe.
*Golem Stage: When the golem try to roll, erect a mirror in front of him, and see him getting blocked by it. While the mirror is up and the golem is rolling, it is a good time to cast time acceleration or meteor swarm too, because you know that the golem will be stationary.

Also, check out Sething solo video on Manticore Nest to see Mirror in action:
Apocalypse Nest (normal/hellmode):
* Fire Spitting Ogre Stage: In each of the rooms, you are supposed to destroy the pillars and cleared all the mobs before the next door will be open. However, especially at the second room, the ogre might be already rushing into the room before your party members are able to clear the mobs and destroy the pillars. Therefore, if you see that the ogre is trying to move into the room, you can buy your party members some times by using the mirror to block the fire spitting ogre from coming into the room.
* Ice/Fire Skeleton Bull Stage: If the bull is chasing you in his invincible mode, you can lure the bull apart from your party members and the zombies, and use the mirror to block him from moving around. Other party members can then focus on clearing the zombie of the right colors.
* Electric Ogre Stage: This is the classic usage of mirror. After the HP reaches HPx1, he will start using his hugging/tackling attack, which is an instant KO if you are not a paladin on avatar mode. Near the last bar of his HP, erect a mirror in front / inside the ogre, and see this cute little dude trying to chase after you/your party members but simply couldn't get near.

* Apocalypse Boss Stage: There are two ways to block apocalypse. First, during his spinning attack, if the aggro is on you, teleport away and erect a mirror in front and see apocalypse ramming into your mirror and unable to get close to you. This is a very good chance to cast meteor swarm too. [ mirror last for 12sec, meteor swarm last for 8.5sec ]

The second way, is not as commonly used and not as useful as the first one. Apocalypse can't move backward/forward with his charge attack (the one with him reversing and then rushing forward) if you put a mirror in him. Normally, i don't recommend blocking this attack, especially in hellmode because he will follow up with a tentacles swipe which might damage whoever standing around him and unaware about the ability of mirror in blocking the charge.
Check out the link below to see the videos for force user soloing hell apocalypse with the use of mirror at various bosses.
Sea Dragon Nest
* Mutant Cerberus Stage: Block the cerberus with the mirror along with other priest's relic to prevent him from moving around.
* Dancing Bull Stage: Block the charging bull attack with the mirror. The charging bull attack is extremely deadly for mages/archers classes, especially near his last HP bar where he will be spamming it.
Archbishop Nest:
* Revived Punisher Blast Stage: He will invincible at the start of the stage and will be chasing you and your party members. Use the mirror to block his advance, while your party members clears all the mobs in front.
3. Projectile Blocker
Despite being annoying sometimes to acher/elemental lord, this feature can be useful at time to block projectiles or the like from bosses.
Some examples are:
* Cerberus (normal/hellmode): The chasing iceball and fireball can be blocked with mirror.
* Manticore (normal/hellmode): Mirror is especially useful in blocking the chasing tornado summoned by manticore in hellmode.
* Electric Ogre in Apocalypse Nest (hellmode mode): The chasing lighting ball can be blocked with the mirror. You don't have to run around like others do.
* Lava Golem in Sea Dragon Nest: The fireball can be blocked by the mirror. This is especially crucial when he shoot his fireball while the countdown to lava flood is starting and you are standing on the platform. The fireball will have a pushback effect which will push you down from the platform and likely causes the whole party to be wiped out if you cannot get back up to the platform in time.
* Monta in Sea Dragon Nest stage 6: The binding vine which is crawling on the floor can be blocked with the mirror.
* Darklair: Block the cannons at R19 survival stage.
* Archbishop Nest (normal/hell): block the chain throw of stage 4 Revived Punisher. The spinning slam which follows the chain bind is very deadly. It would be life saving if you can block the chain throw. The trick is to cast it at your right hand side when he is about to throw the chain
4. Self Blocker
Mirror can be used to block yourself and your party member from falling into the suction hole of stage 2 in sea dragon nest in case you got the poison island.
Another unconventional way to use the mirror, is to cast it behind yourself when apo is trying to blow you away with his roar. The mirror will prevent yourself from being blown far. However, i don't really recommend you do that though. A better alternative, is to use skills with high superarmor such as Eraser to withstand the hit and deal damage at the same time.
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