ArcHades' PvE Artillery Build
by ArcHades [ source ]
Before going into the analysis, I will show you the new 2nd advancement skills for Sniper. Credits to chaose5 from MMOsite forum.
- Magical Breeze – At Lv1, increases magic damage by 30% and converts all damage inflicted to magical damage. Duration 10sec, CD 40sec
- Extension Shot EX – Strengthens Extension Shot, with additional 30% explosive damage.
- Detonating Arrow: Deal additional AOE damage 3 seconds after the target is hit. Magic damage of 563%+1284, cooldown 38sec at Lv1.

Twin Shot/Piercing Shot/Multi Shot – If you have read my previous Bowmaster guide and the analysis of top korean sniper build, you should know my preferences on these 3 skills. I believe this player chose for the best possible outburst of damage within melee range. Being a Bowmaster, you should know how Multi Shot works.
Aerial Evasion – This build has added this skill significantly high. My best guess would be that this player prioritizes a lot on PvP.
Pinwheel – And again, this confirms my speculation that this sniper prioritizes more on PvP. I have explained this skill’s usage in the Bowmaster Guide.
Stunning Arrow – More of a PvP Skill. Need I explain more?
Binding Shot – Maxed. Superb disabling effect and damage for both PvE and PvP.
Arrow Shower – Arrow Shower is only used when you are certain that you will be rather safe within a location for several seconds. In my opinion, this skill should have been raised to at least Lv4. If the player do not wants to put this high, it should be just placed at Lv1. Why? Lv4 gives a 1% attack increment for every arrow compared to Lv3. Difference of attack per arrow is only a mere 46 comparing Lv1 and Lv3. Furthermore, this skill can be increased to Lv7 if you have personal preferences on other skills. Why? Artillery’s skill can amplify the damage of Arrow Shower even higher than that of Sniper’s.
Crossbow Expertise – Chosen for higher Magic Attack stat.
Magical Breeze – Placed at Lv1. Lv2 only increases an additional of 2% damage. Duration stays the same at 10 seconds. In my opinion, Lv1 is sufficient.
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