Carther & Asena's Moonlord Guide [v2.50]
by Carther and Asena [ source ]
This topic is about Magical & Hybrid Swordmasters [Moonlord]. We made this topic because both Carther and Asena are Magical Moonlords and because of that we want to share all our info with everyone.
First of all we will start with full Magical Swordmaster [Moonlord].

The warrior skills don't need any explanation. Its obvious that Rising Slash is lv6 and Impact Wave is lv4.
Lets begin with the Magical skills.
[Moonlight Shatter]
If you're going Moonlord it's kinda logical you get Moonlight Shatter Lv11+ for the EX skill.
[Cyclone Slash]
Why only keep this skill lv3? Because it sucks. It's just a skill we use when other skills are in Cooldown. In PvP its nasty one tho.
[Cresent Cleve]
Get this at least lv5 to get 5 waves. This skill is very DESTRUCTIVE at big bosses because of the many hits. Max this if you're full MAG.
[Half Slash]
This skill is sooooo slow. Get a heraldry plate with 50% speed. But when you hit it has a big impact on the enemy's health.
[Great Wave]
Why Great Wave? Infinity Edge does so much more damage. But since you are going Moonlord (Mag) you need this skill to get Moonblade Dance. BTW, It rapes in PvP.
Ok, let's do the Physical skills.
Why physical skills when you are Magical SM? It's simple. When you're Mag skills are still in CD. Then you gonna need some phys skills. Also when you are surrounded by a lot of Mobs it's easy to break out.
Keep the physical skills lv1. You don't need any higher phys skills.
[Heavy Hammer]
Why get Heavy Hammer maxed? It's a physical skill. It gives your enemy 42% less Defense/MDefense. This means that you're Magical Skills + your party members do much more damage.
Let's continue with the Parrying tree. In our guild we have 1 SM that doesn't use this skill tree. Why not? Cuz he is Pro.
We do not recommend to leave this skill tree behind. Because it's very usefull to optain less damage.
Hybrid Swordmaster [Moonlord]

For Hybrid SM you have to sacrifice your Crescent Cleve / Heave Hammer / Parrying stance / Counter Exile. What you get in exchange: Line Drive / Hacking Stance!
Both skills are good for PvP. But Hacking Stance is not useful in PvE for Hybrid SM with focus on Mag of course.
[Hacking Stance]
Said enough.
[Line Drive]
Line Drive Lv3 got so much more Damage then the other lvls. This skill pwns!!
[Heave Hammer]
It's sad you have to sacrifice Heavy Hammer. But this skill still gives 35% buff at lv5. Only 6% less.
Of course you can choose to downgrade Line Drive a bit and upgrade Crescent Cleve. But that is up to you.
The Ultimate equipment will be:
Old Magic Weapons (Manti/Apo) together with the New (Wisdom) Manti/Apo Armor. Why combine the new set with old one. Simply because of the Set effects. With the Old weapons you will get 2 set effect that givs 36 - 36 Mag Attk. With 5 set effect from new set you get 147 - 147 Mag&Phys extra. Also the other New Set effects are much better then the old one.
But not everybody can afford this. So if you got the old set it's also fine. When you have the new set it is fine to. With both sets try to upgrade weapons alot. And get the right potential. (Mag, int, str, crit, etc)
Our advise for both sets:
Old set: Stack up Critical
New set: Stack up Final Damage.
How to stack up Final Damage or Critical? See the explanation about heraldry below. There will be certain updates about accessories. You can read the comments to.
For both builds you get these plates:
- Magic and Wisdom
- Life and Healthy
- Defense and MDefense
The rest is optional. If you're going to stack up Final Damage. Physical and Final damage plate. When going to stack up Critical. Critical and Wind plate.
For both Final Damage and Critical. Try to get 3rd options on the heraldry above these optional choices.
[Video Fragments]
[Moonlord lv50 @ Manticore]
[Moonlord lv50 @ Cerberus]
[Moonlord vs. Majesty]
[Moonlord vs. Sharp Shooter]
As you can see here Moonlord is not playing at close range.
We hope that you guys got enough information and for questions. Just ask!
Good to know for questions is:
Carther - Old set (except helmet) and stacking up Crit.
Asena - New set (work in progress) and stackin up FD.
Carther & Asena
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