
The picture above represents a character’s heraldry set. As you can see, the heraldry set is pretty organized and is broken up by type and level. Level in this case does not refer to the level of the heraldry plate but instead your level.
A Dragon Nest Character has Heraldry slots (the picture above are these slots). Each slot, at the beginning of the game is locked, and while leveling up, each slot will slowly unlock.
Refer to the picture above for the exact level needed to unlock that particular heraldry slot.
As each slot unlocks, you are allowed to put heraldry in that slot.
Heraldry can be found in dungeon instances, Dark Lair, or other users. Each Heraldry Plate is locked and untradeable until unlocked and gives the choice between two effects when unlocking it except Special Heraldry. Special Heraldry only gives one effect (quite a funny one too!). If this confuses you, don’t worry about it and read on. I will explain in precise detail what I wrote in a bit.
How to get Heraldry Plates?
- Easily available almost in any Normal dungeons, for both Skills and Stats. These plates drop at a random rate, or appears at the chest reward after completing the dungeons.
Rank B:
- Available in Abyss dungeons, for both Skills and Stats. These plates drop at a random rate, or appears at the chest reward after completing the dungeons.
- Available for exchange in Dark Boundary. Upon completing 24R or 36R, you get a certain number of dimension pieces to trade for these Heraldry Plates.
Rank A:
- Available in Nests in Abyss Mode. There is a chance
for it to appear after at the chest reward after completing the Nests.
Only Stats Heraldry can be obtained from this.
- Available when a rare Gold Dimension Box is being opened using the Dimension Key. Only Skills Heraldry can be obtained from this box. Video Example: Gold Dimension Box getting Rank A Heraldry
Special Skills:
- Available in various Nests in Hell Mode. There is a chance for it to appear after at the chest reward after completing the Nests. Take a look at this video on how a player can use a Nest Boss’ skill such as Cerberus’ Dark Lightning. Cerberus Dark Lightning Skill Heraldry
How do you produce Heraldry Plates that can be placed on your character:
Find the Heraldry NPC available in all towns, except the starters. You would requires several types of gems to produce them.
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