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attribution: dragonnestblog.com/../levelling-tipsinfo-for-saint-heaven |
I am sure many of you will be on a rush to reach level 32 once the
Saint Heaven patch is out. Which one of you (new players =D) can resist
the temptation of those new skills? So now I am here to give you some
tips and information on how you can level fast. Do note that certain
part of this post is based on experience in DN TW/CN. Let’s cut the crap
and proceed =)
2 things that you can do before the patch is out
- Leave some side quests completed but don’t talk to the NPC yet. This is provided if you did not clear all the side quests as of now. Once the patch is out, finish all the conversation and gain the initial exp. If the quest exp is negligible, you can just simply ignore it.
- Same as above but based on Guild Commission Board. Do Raider Ambush Point, Road of No Return, Churn Ruin, DMTI(spider), etc but don’t talk to the Board yet. If you are farming Sanctuary Core for instance, you can just complete the quest repeatedly but if you are going to stop running dungeons. Remember to leave the quest there. This technique is faster because you just have to talk to one NPC and you can complete several quest in one shot.
Now, let’s start with some information on Saint Heaven.
This is the map of Saint Heaven. Once you reach here, you will be
able to get the quests available in the map. However, please take note
of the area circled in red by me. Both green portals are entrances to a
castle. There will be quests for you to collect as well. The north and
south portals are exits to go to dungeons, similar to that of Calderock.
The right side portal is the one for Wonderful Theme Park.
Assuming you did the 2 methods of what I mentioned earlier, you
should already have a rough headstart. After collecting all the quests,
you will be required to do the lv 24 dungeons. There will be 2 of them.
Normally, people will farm Dark Ore Mountains (one of the lv 24
dungeons) for NPC gifts to the blacksmith to lower repair/enhancement
[Technique 1]
Now you need to try to reach lv26 first. As to whether completing
quests or spam dungeons is faster, I don’t know but it wouldn’t take
long since it is just 2 levels. The reason for lv26 is because of the
requirement to take the commission board quest for the dungeon called
Lone Island/Islet.
You will reach here when you exit through the south portal of Saint
Heaven. The Lone Island/Islet entrance is at the bottom left of the
picture above. This dungeon is just like DMTI, but the higher level
version of it.
Reasons why Lone Island/Islet is good
- The map doesnt require you to go through portals like going through 1st stage, 2nd stage, etc. Saves time.
- Mobs are relatively easy. No skeletons that fall to the ground or ghouls. There are mobs that set traps but they are rather easy to notice and kill. But there are cannons in certain areas. Just finish them off fast and then proceed to the mobs. Or lure the mobs out of the cannon shooting area.
- Time required to clear is quite fast. Spamming this and completing commission board quests will be good.
In one part of the dungeon, you will see a cave on the right side.
There will be a spider queen inside. If you don’t care about the exp
and you want to clear the dungeon asap, you can ignore it and proceed on
without affecting the dungeon completion. There will also be another
cave after this on the right side as well with a treasure chest and some
Man-eater Plants inside. You can clear them for extra exp.
[Technique 2]
If you think killing the goblins are boring in the Wonderful Theme
Park, you may change your mind here. Now, they are a great source of exp
for you. Each round gives you about 8-11% of your exp bar depending on
what level you are. So on 15th Oct (Saturday) when you are able to do
the Wonderful Theme Park, DO NOT do the Goblin Village. After level cap
is released on 18th Oct (Tuesday), you will be able to make use of it to
level up. As to which level to use them, I forgot already. But the
optimal % to get each round is 10%-11%. Since you can spam dungeons,
these few % will not be significant. If you need a quick boost from lv25
or 26 to do Technique 1, you can make use of this Goblin Village.
[Additional Info]
Another piece of information is a lv30 dungeon called the Dark
Overlord’s Drill Ground. This dungeon takes a very long time to complete
because the map is big and there are really many mobs inside. This can
be your item farming ground due to the large number of mobs inside.
Maybe normal agates will drop more in this dungeon?

To reach the entrance of Dark Overlord’s Drill Ground. Simply take
the north exit portal of Saint Heaven. And then turn left. Go for the
right portal. The left portal is the entrance to the Cerberus Nest. If
you solo this dungeon in abyss mode, the final ending exp is 200+k!!! (If I did not remember wrongly. =D But it is definitely alot) Maybe you guys can party up with a total of 4 people to clear faster and complete it on Master/Abyss difficulty. I believe the commission board gives a lot of exp too.
[Technique 3]
If you want to solo this dungeon in abyss difficulty even with lousy
gears, you can do so when you reach the lv30 story quests. The NPC
Geraint will follow you and help you to attack in the dungeon. Normally,
he will kill the mobs in one or two hits. But sometimes you need to
attack the monsters to prevent them from attacking Geraint too much
because Geraint will be blocking the whole time from the attacks. Do
note that Geraint will not die at all. However,
sometimes he may get stucked in a few places so you will need to lure
the mobs to Geraint or clear some mobs. Here’s a video:
Note: You will see a black portal at 1:14 of the video. It will turn red when the boss dies. Please do not enter
if you wish to keep using Geraint to help you. FInishing the quest
inside will make you say goodbye to your invincible partner. After
exiting from the dungeon before that portal, abandon your story quest.
Go back to the NPC and get the same story quest again. Geraint is ready
to accompany you again =) Pro equip players please ignore.
Final Tip
If you do Wonderful Theme Park
(WTP) in Saint Heaven and if I’m not wrong, the coupon that you get as a
reward is different. You will get the coupon with (Saint Heaven) beside
the name. You can use Coupon (Saint Heaven) to purchase Coupon
(Calderock). This is a 1 to 1 exchange. But not the other way round. So
the safest way is to do WTP in Saint Heaven. The reason why you need to
change to Calderock version is because maybe you want to buy gifts for
certain NPCs which requires Calderock version. Now, you will probably
wondering whether to exchange those coupons for level 32 codes or NPC
gifts. In my own opinion, in this initial stage, level 32 codes may go
to quite a high price due to keen players who want to get good codes on
their level 32b equips, not considering those who wish to stay with elf
queen/ancient set. So those codes may sell well if you need money. If
not, you can just buy gifts for certain NPC benefits or Association
points to purchase the respective faction equips that you want.
thanks, very informative blog :)
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