Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mon's Gear Master Guide

Mon's Gear Master Guide
by v2seraph [ source ]

Gear Master:

Academic Skill Simulator: HERE

Build as of 14th Oct 2011

Reserved 29 sp for Gear Master skills, Chainsaw Tower lv 2 (10+4 sp) & Big Mecha Bomber lv 1 (15sp)

Before we start, take note that:
1) This build was meant for PvE, or rather, play a supporter role in nests.
2) Most skills effects were based on my observation, might contains error that I will sort out eventually.
3) Use this for reference only, don't follow blindly. :|
4) CN probably translated "Mine Thrower" wrongly. It was translated to "Mind Thrower"!  -.-"

●Quick Shoot (三连射)  
Only 4.5 sec CD, superb range. (I can shoot Monta from opposite platform!) One of your best DPS skill! You can spam this skill from afar without getting hit. Leave melee attacks to your faithful ALFREDO! And ducks.

How to use: Shoot ground instead of your target. Smaller units might not take 2 hits per shot if you're not aiming the ground.

●Air Shoot (空隙爆破)  
Used to break shield or launch smaller target into the air. Gravity Grenade + Stun Grenade can do a better job so I'll ignore this skill. Might be good for PVP, but I'm not a PVP fan so I'll leave this for future PVP builds to explain.

●Napalm Grenade (凝固汽油弹)  
Damage wasn't that impressive. I'm purely using this for the knock back effect.

How to use: Aim slightly IN FRONT of your target to get full hits, not throw the grenade ON your target.

●Stun Grenade (眩晕手榴弹)  
Much better skill compared to Napalm Grenade. Deals full damage in 1 hit, 10 seconds CD, moderate AOE & 70% to stun minor targets. Gravity Grenade + Stun Grenade + Ping Pong combo = bunch of dead monsters. I'd like to max this skill if possible but... Limited SP. Only Lv 1 for the stun.

●Wax (上蜡)  
Increase 37% movement speed & 10% chance to make your enemy slips at level 1, which I think is more than enough already. Mine is at lv 4 because Stun Grenade lv 4 damage doesn't increase much, no point investing SP there.

●Force Out (轰击)  
PVP skill. Push your enemy away, doesn't work on nest bosses so I'm not getting this.

●Summon Alfredo (召唤摄魂怪) / Recall Alfredo (呼唤摄魂怪)  
Summon your faithful robot - Alfredo! Alfredo will have 400% of your Max HP at lv 2, 600% at lv 3. Update will come to cDN next week so I might drop 1 lvl Wax to get lv 3 Summon Alfredo.

How to use: Recall Alfredo can save your from various dangers! Recall when Electric Orge is going to hug you or when Sea Dragon is going to Ice Bind you. *Poor Alfredo*

Additional Note: Alfredo can be buffed by both ally and enemy. E.G. When Minotaurs in Manticore Nest cast berserk, Alfredo will berserk too! Same thing goes to Mecha Ducks & Towers.

●Bubble Launcher (泡泡弹)  
PVP skill. Absorb 8540 damage at lv 14 (47 SP), sounds good? Meh... Not in PvE. Absorbing 8540 damage doesn't help that much at higher level nest. You can get lv 1 for the 2.5 sec bind. (Doesn't work on nest bosses) Also, lowest DPS of all Academic's skills.

How to use: Teach me, please? The hit box of this skill is really messed up. Really hard to use so I'll ignore this skill.

Additional Note: This skill will protect you from 1 huge damage before bubble burst. (Additional damage will not inflict on you) If you think you can react fast enough, getting 1 level is not bad at all, it is like a mini Highland.

●Tumble (闪避) / Aerial Evasion (浮空调整)  
Max these, self-explanatory. Loli has too little evasion skills.

●Mega Hammer (百万重锤) / Air Bomb (天空裂变)  
PVP skills. No idea about Mega Hammer. Air Bomb is good for knocking back targets that are trying to get near to you.

●Circle Bomb (旋转爆栗)  
PVP / Dungeon skill. Create explosion around you and stand up immediately. Only good for dungeons that have waves of monsters coming at you. Useless in nests.

How to use: Left click when you're sleeping on ground. ;D

●Physical Mastery (力量掌握) / Mental Mastery (精神掌握) / Mental Training (精神训练)  
Get at least 1 level of Mental Training. You will need those MP Regen! As for Max HP, MP, add as you see fit.

●Vending Machine (自动贩卖机)  
Vends random foods out of the machine... Yes RANDOM... Can't really rely on this skill but it doesn't cost SP anyway. Get it!



●Rocket Jump (火箭跳跃)  
Get lv 1 for utility. Good for dodging attacks or launch yourself to a direction quickly. Sadly, no invinciblility frame.

●Fake Bomb (迷惑爆栗)  
PVP / Dungeon skill. Similar to Air Bomb, good for knocking back target pursuing you.

●Gravity Grenade (重力手榴弹)  
This skill has higher DPS than Stun Grenade at max level. I'd max this if this skill is not in Engineer tree. Higher level does not increase suction like FU's Blackhole.

●Ping Pong Bomb (乒乓爆栗)  
One of the most imba skill!

Additional Note (Taken from Chaos~): It will only jump up to 8x if there are 3 or more monster in range, otherwise, the jump will terminate at the 2nd monster if there are only 2 or less monsters in range. The additional damage after it terminate is very high because all the remainder jump will be convert to the final hit damage at the certain ratio. For Ex version, each remainder jump count add 15% damage to the final hit. This skills is extremely powerful versus single target.

●Mine Thrower (脑电波投射)  
This skill is on par with Alfredo Whirlwind when used on huge target like nest bosses (20 bullets, 40 hits total). Useless skill when doing dungeons. I hesitated whether to max this or Alfredo Whirlwind at first as Whirlwind will interrupt Damage Transition at times. I went for Whirlwind in the end because of lesser SP needed and also, Whirlwind is simply too good for dungeon runs.

Additional Note: This skill will come in handy if you don't have Alfredo on field, you can't summon Alfredo at certain occasion!

●Chemical Missile (生化导弹)  
Reduce elemental defense by 15% & critical resist by 50% for 20 seconds! Damage seems impressive too!? In term of DPS, not really that high. This skill is useful for clearing large group of mobs... But not single target. Getting 1 lvl for the debuff is enough if you are going for Gear Master. Otherwise, ignore the whole Demolition tree.

Additional Note from Chaos: You might not even notice that much difference with this debuff! 

●Alfredo Stomp (摄魂怪践踏)  
IMO getting lv 2 as prerequisite is enough. Unlike Paladin's provoke, you can't keep a boss from facing Alfredo only if you keep on attacking. So no point getting higher level for longer provoke time. Good for clearing mobs, though.

●Alfredo Berserker (摄魂怪杀繆)  
Lv 2 as prerequisite. I tried maxing this before skill reset, wasn't that much of a difference.

●Damage Transition (乾坤大挪移)  
Absorb 48% damage from party members (Within buff range) for 35 seconds! Get a A-grade reduce 12% cooldown plate and you'll have 48% damage reduction every 44 seconds!

How to use: Ok this skill has a serious flaw. Alfredo will not cast this skill when it is out of combat or when casting Alfredo Whirlwind. Make sure Alfredo is not casting Whirlwind before you cast this skill.

Additional Note: This skill won't be useful at low level as your Alfredo can't transit that much damage, it will die extremely fast.

●Alfredo Whirlwind (摄魂怪旋风)  
The coolest skill in the game! The damage is simply insane. BUT, Alfredo won't be able to fully utilize this skill at Bishop Nest & Sea Dragon Nest due to various restrictions.

Additional Note: Keep in mind. DO NOT cast Damage Transition when Alfredo is casting Whirlwind.

●Gatling Tower (加特林机枪塔)  
Chaos: Max this no matter what. Best DPS skill in the game!!!!1111

Additional Note: You can only summon 3 towers regardless of type.

●Cannon Tower (炮塔)  
Leave this at lv 3 as prerequisite. Shoots way too slow and damage wasn't that good either.

Additional Note: You can only summon 3 towers regardless of type.

●Ice Pump Tower (寒冰喷射塔)  
Another semi-imba tower that can slow your enemy (Not nest bosses). Either max or leave it at lv 3 as prerequisite.

Additional Note: You can only summon 3 towers regardless of type.

●Mecha Duck (重磅鸭)  
Summon stupid ducks that can perform great skills. Walk 1 second and rest 3 seconds. Cramp few seconds when attacked.

●Mecha Shock (重磅轰击)  
IMBA damage if you have all 3 ducks near your target casting this skill. You can consider maxing this skill if you have Mecha Duck EX.

●Mecha Siren (重磅汽笛)  
Leave it at lv 3 as prerequisite. Silence target for 5 seconds and remove 2 buffs!

How to use: Learn to manually toggle this skill.
E.G.#1: Toggle on when Snake Woman in Manticore Nest is about to cast Flying Blades, Snake Woman will get silenced and won't do anything.
E.G.#2: Toggle on when Minotaurs cast defensive buffs / Berserk. Siren will clear all the buffs on them! (Still need testing whether Siren can clear Monta's Berserk or not)

●Mecha Bomber (重磅炸弹)  
This skill, coupled with Damage Transition, will probably make you the best supporter in game. Reduce 40% of target's attack for 18 seconds on suicide! (Not really suicide... Your duck will stay :P) Get -12% cooldown reduction plate and you can cast this every 22 seconds!
How to use: Throw a duck near your target, before you cast this skill, throw another duck behind you. This way, the duck near your target will suicide first and apply -40% attack debuff on it. The duck behind you will arrive shortly and suicide, applying debuff again. (Debuff timer back to 18 seconds) This way, you can permanently reduce target's attack by 40%! Tested and working, yet to have a boss that resist attack reduction debuff.

Additional Note: Unfortunately, this skill does not stack with Taunting Howl / Devastating Howl.

●Flash Grande (电光手榴弹)  
PVP / Dungeon skill. Knock back your enemy! Does not work on most bosses.

How to use: Left click when attacked to retaliate.

I do not recommend going for 2 ultimates as they share cooldown. Might as well save 10 SP and spend on other skills. If you want me to compare anyway...

●Demolition (摧毁)  
Learn Demolition if you're going for Shooting Star. IMO this skill is good for dungeon runs, kill monsters in a blink of an eye! However, 7.5 seconds of immobilization in nests prove to be dangerous and you might kill yourself if used at wrong time. Canceling Demolition stance requires 1 second too.

How to use Demolition: Left click to shoot, right click to release a powerful shot and end Demolition stance.

●Skyline (天际)  
Learn Skyline if you're going for Gear Master. This skill is probably better for nest runs. BUT! Keep in mind that you won't be able to move for 2 seconds once you start casting this skill.

Additional Note: Throws a beacon in front and summon suicidal ducks. The beacon, unlike grenades, will not explode upon contact. You can throw the beacon without worrying monsters blocking the beacon from landing at wrong place.


Gear Master:
Have not tested yet, might change my view on these skills when tertiary jobs are available.

●Chainsaw Tower (链锯之塔)
A tower that shoots chainsaws?! :D Chainsaws pierce through target and can do maximum 5 hits if target is near to the tower. Extremely good against nest bosses. Basically I will be using Gatling Tower, Ice Pump Tower & Chainsaw Tower.

Additional Note: You can only summon 3 towers regardless of type.

●Mecha Duck EX (重磅鸭EX)
50% extra damage, 30% extra HP, duck duration increased by 15sec. Duck can spit fire! (Ranged attack) Wow imba!.. Not really. Duck is still as stupid, will attempt to do melee attack more than ranged attack.

Additional Note: Extra damage does not imply to Mecha Duck skills. Ignoring this EX will save you 50+ SP!

●Big Mecha Bomber (超大重磅炸弹)
This is basically EL's Fireball with faster charging time. However, the bomb move rather slow towards target. Good damage nevertheless.


Demolition Tree:
Alfredo Tree:
Tower Tree:
Mecha Duck Tree:


Heraldry Plates

Main Choices: Mecha Bomber (-12% CD), Damage Transition (-12% CD), Ice Pump Tower (-12% CD)
Optional Choices: Quick Shoot (+20% DMG), Ping Pong Bomb (+20% DMG), Gatling Tower (-12% CD)

Main Choices: PATK, Critical, AGI, Health, Vitality
Optional Choices: Final Damage, MP Regen, Iron Wall, Curtain, Impregnable (Delay Resist?)


Equipments Suffix
Will not craft suffix until I see the stats of the new suffix~ Probably mix and match.



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